Because email is so vital to the operation of your company, it is absolutely essential to put in place processes that can record and organize email addresses.
Your website is unactive and essentially just sits there, occasionally making sales to first-time visitors on its own. You will discover that the majority of your sales are a direct result of those that were generated through email marketing campaigns.
It has always been somewhat difficult to persuade visitors to part with their email address when visiting a website. Because of this, internet marketers have come up with a variety of strategies to entice people to hand over their email address, and I have no doubt that there will be additional strategies developed in the future.
In any circumstance, the following pieces of information are the bare minimum that you should collect:
- First name
- Last name
- Email address
It will be to your advantage if you are able to obtain additional information. The following are examples of some of the additional information that will be helpful:
- Street address, City, State, Zip
- Phone number
- Birthday
Opt-in forms are one of the most straightforward ways to acquire someone’s email address. All you need is a basic opt-in form. If you are using a static opt-in form (rather than a pop-in box or a hover ad), positioning it in the top right corner of each page on your website will result in the greatest number of signups. It is related to where people’s eyes are drawn first when they arrive at a webpage.
These are typically straightforward boxes containing succinct messages encouraging site visitors to sign up for a newsletter, weekly tips, or something similar.
The use of pop-up boxes at the point of entry and exit, as well as hover ads, is one of the most efficient ways to collect email addresses. As a result of the proliferation of pop-up blockers, many of the pop-up boxes no longer function properly because visitors are unable to see them and therefore they are blocked.
Certain hover advertisements are built with javascript, which distinguishes them from standard pop-ups in a small but significant way. It is highly unlikely that hover advertisements will be blocked because JavaScript is used to create many of the scripts that are necessary for the operation of websites.
The level of complexity of hover ads varies greatly. Some of them are very straightforward, while others are more complex. The majority of the time, you will still need to persuade visitors to provide you with their email address; a hover advertisement provides you with the opportunity to detail all of the advantages associated with being a member of your newsletter list.
It is possible to have pop-up boxes either at the entrance or the exit. You can frequently find websites that have both of these features. The pop-up that appears when a user is about to leave the site functions as an invitation; the tone of the exit pop is “one last chance” or “are you sure you want to leave without……..?”
Special competitions: It’s not uncommon to be able to run a competition and give away a unique prize; all the participants have to do to enter is provide their email address.
Conduct a survey – You can collect email addresses by conducting a survey on your home page at the same time that you are gathering information about your site’s visitors. It’s possible that you’re trying to get some demographic information, like where they live, how old they are, how much money they make, etc. Another possibility is that you are gathering data in order to create a new product.
If you want to figure out a product that will offer a solution to a problem, a great question to ask is “What is your biggest challenge in __?” (What is your biggest challenge in ). This not only provides you with valuable information about what your prospective customers are thinking but also enables you to tailor your marketing materials to reflect the thoughts of these customers.
It is generally a good idea to offer something immediately to a person when they give you their email address. One way to do this is by giving away free e-books. E-books are wonderful, but only if you can electronically send them to customers using a system like an autoresponder or a shopping cart. The e-book might be a special report on a trending topic in your niche, or it might be a how-to guide demonstrating how to carry out a certain task.
Promoting your business in other people’s newsletters is a roundabout approach to collecting email addresses. The visitors will still need to navigate to your website in order to input their information.
Advertising in search engines that charge for each click is another strategy for driving traffic to your website. You can drive traffic to your website by purchasing advertisements on Google and Yahoo, which will appear on both of those search engines. Your website should attract highly qualified customers, and the page they are directed to should contain an offer for a product or service that meets their specific requirements.
The Value of a Newsletter
Your credibility and rapport with your subscribers will improve as a result of sending out newsletters. Many people are wary of businesses that operate online and will not make a purchase from you until they are convinced that they can trust you completely. This relationship can be developed through the use of a newsletter by including both content relating to the specific niche or subject area as well as some personal information.
Additionally, newsletters have been shown to increase sales, and consequently, the lifetime value of a customer. If you inform your subscribers about the activities that are taking place on your website, they are more likely to check it out, where they may discover something that they would be interested in purchasing. It appears that whenever I send an email, whether it is simply a quilting tip or information about a product, my sales increase during that day and the two or three days that follow.
Producing a newsletter takes some time, and it can be done so in one of three ways: only electronically, only in printed form, or in some combination of the two.
Using an electronic newsletter is the strategy that will save you the most money. There is no charge associated with delivering it. In the event that you upload the content to your website and create new content while simultaneously maintaining communication with your subscribers, you will have achieved a double benefit.
There are a few considerations to take into account before sending out your electronic newsletter to your subscribers. You have the option of emailing the entire newsletter to subscribers, or you could send a condensed version of the newsletter along with a link to a specific page on your website.
Because it is becoming more difficult to deliver email, you should configure your email account so that it will be blocked by the least number of email services as is humanly possible. As a result, I recommend that you compose emails that are not too lengthy. My bounce rate decreased by fifty percent after I began including a summary of the newsletter in the emails I sent out. Keep in mind that by leaving the information about your newsletter accessible online, you are adding content to your website, which is something that search engines really enjoy.
In addition, by sending out a condensed version of your newsletter, you are luring your subscribers to your website, where they may discover something to buy, even though you haven’t sent them there with the intention of selling them something in particular.
Including a unique advertisement or offer pertaining to a product in a newsletter is one marketing tactic that has proven successful for many businesses. Once again, this will lead to an increase in sales if the offer is appealing.
You might, at some point in the future, decide to include a printed newsletter that is distributed via postal mail. My printed newsletter is sent out to all of those who are subscribers to as well as those who pay for the newsletter separately.
Email Format
Each and every communication that you send out represents both you and your company, and it is impossible to predict where an email will end up. You should make sure that whoever opens your email will form a favorable opinion of both you and your company. This is because you frequently ask your subscribers to share your emails with others, and you want to ensure that they do so.
Format: If you don’t have to scroll across the page to read an email, it’s much simpler to read than if it’s formatted like a web page. You can’t rely on it even though some email clients format their messages in a way that makes them simple to read. Therefore, for the sake of convenience, format all emails so that each line has no more than sixty characters, and use a hard return at the end of each line.
Also, keep each paragraph to no more than four to five lines, and use double spacing between paragraphs. It is not necessary for you to adhere to the guidelines laid out by the English instructor here. If the paragraphs in an email are brief, it will be easier to read, and as a result, more people will most likely read it.
HTML or text? That is the question that must always be answered. And it would appear that testing is the solution. Using HTML email, you are able to include images, change the fonts and colors to highlight particular items, and perform a number of other sophisticated tasks. In addition, you will need to send the email in HTML format in order to monitor the percentage of recipients who open it.
But there are still some email systems that don’t read html email correctly, and if your email is too difficult to read, it won’t get read at all. Text is a failsafe, even if it is a little less exciting than other forms of communication. You could make use of an email service that enables you to create and send messages in both text and HTML, and the recipient could then choose the format in which she wishes to read the message.
When signing your email, make sure to include both your name and the address of your website (es). You shouldn’t rely on other people knowing who you are and where you can be reached. If it is forwarded, you can be sure that the recipient will not be familiar with you, and they may be interested in visiting your website.
This is also one way to continue communicating the fact that you have a new website, which is a plus if you have one. In addition to that, please include your address. Since it is required by law that a street address be provided, many email providers now incorporate it into their services automatically.
Unsubscribe code – make sure that the email service that you are using includes an unsubscribe code at the bottom of each and every email by default by checking the service that you are using. This is now a requirement under the law, and you do not want to risk getting fined or having your business closed if you do not have this script.
You have complete freedom in deciding what value to input into the From field. Within my shopping cart, I have the ability to alter this for each individual email that I send. Since not everyone is going to be familiar with M. Mouse and open the email, I include both my name and M. Mouse’s name in the From field of any messages that M. Mouse sends out.
Create a distinguishable format for the From field. There are times when having just your name on it is not enough for people to recognize it, and they will delete it. Include your business’s nickname on your website in order to make it easier to read. The majority of people will recognize either your business name or your nickname for the business, but they will not recognize your last name.
Subject line: The person reading your email will decide whether or not to open it based on the subject line you use. Your email will be deleted if the subject line does not pique the recipient’s interest or if it gives the impression that it is certain to contain an unwanted sales pitch.
It will be helpful if you include the person’s name. Because of this, you should look for an email service that offers merge fields that you can incorporate into your messages. Be mindful, however, that some people do not include a first name (sometimes they leave it completely blank, and other times it may be an initial), so avoid making the content of your subject line dependent on the presence of the name. It should either come first or last, and there should be no punctuation.
People won’t pay as much attention to the fact that the sentence won’t be grammatically correct as they will if there is a comma or dash in the middle of the sentence with nothing coming before it.
If possible, avoid using special characters in the subject lines of your emails because some email servers will convert them to unrecognizable characters. This includes the use of quotation marks and apostrophes, as they will frequently transform into question marks, giving the impression that you did not proofread your email before sending it out.
The rules for writing headlines for salescopy and subject lines for emails are very similar; the only difference is that subject lines for emails need to be brief in order for the recipient to see the majority of it when they are quickly scanning their inbox.
I use a separate email account to store the emails that I receive from effective marketers. When I need inspiration for a subject line or a topic for an email, I go to my inbox, scroll down, and read the various subject lines that are already there. This helps me come up with new ideas. As I go down the list of emails, I often get a clear picture of what the message is about as I am reading it.
Introduction: Your first sentence should be something that compels the reader to keep reading, so make it interesting, compelling, or shocking. In the same way as with a sales page, if they aren’t interested in what you have to say, they won’t understand it, and you won’t close the deal.
In a similar vein, if you are only delivering information and they do not read the email, you may get complaints that “all you do is sell,” when in reality, it is just that they are not reading any of the emails that contain “content.” The good news is, I suppose, that the content of your sales emails is more interesting than the content of your content emails.
P.S. – Remember to include a P.S. in all of your emails. When they open the email, a lot of people immediately go to the PS. You are falling behind the competition if it is not available. A link to the offer or the deadline constitutes valuable content for the P.S. section of an email. Always include the link in the final paragraph. Some individuals will go to the P.S. section and click the link before even reading the email that they have been sent.
Successful email Campaigns
You may have realized by this point that the use of email is not restricted to the sending of a newsletter. You can use email in a variety of ways, including keeping in touch with your subscribers and customers and making sales. Both of these goals can be accomplished with email.
There is a common routine among internet marketers in which they send email in the following order: information, information, testimonial, and sales pitch.
There are some marketers who won’t send any email unless it contains some kind of call to action or sales pitch in it. This would be an example of a “soft sale,” in which they provide helpful hints and information before outlining the process by which additional resources can be purchased.
In general, people who subscribe to a newsletter list want to receive information that is applicable to their day-to-day lives, details regarding resources that can help them improve what they are working on, and, to some extent, they want to be entertained.
My successful email campaigns for my products include several elements:
- Specific quilting tips that are included in the resource – this gives them an idea of what they will learn
- Something personal – a short story or comment about why I am sending the email
- Something light and entertaining – a message from m. mouse; special personal events (kids graduating, coming home); bets or challenges (my kids bet me an ice cream cone)
- A link to find the resource
- A reason they need the resource
- A deadline
- Multiple emails for the same campaign – always at least 3 emails in a campaign
Follow-up email – if you don’t follow up, you will miss a ton of sales! Here are some ideas for follow up email:
- FAQ – “Since we sent the first announcement out, we have received several questions, and we would like to answer them.”
- Reasons why they should take action
- Other people purchased and have already made comments about how good this is – Testimonials
- Time is running out / space or quantity is running out
- “I goofed” – link was bad, date was wrong, something about the product wasn’t described correctly
- 2nd Chance – got an extra bunch in (shouldn’t do this often, otherwise you will lose your credibility); your order date was extended so you are extending it for them
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