If you sew your blocks together while adhering to some kind of system, you will have a better chance of ending up with the patches in the appropriate locations.
If you are anything like I am, you will probably still sew some of the patches the wrong way around, but for the most part, all of the patches will be exactly where you want them and facing the direction you want them to face.
While I am cutting my fabric, I organize the patch pieces into stacks so that they will be easier to sew later. This helps me stay organized and gives me peace of mind that all of the patches that I require to make the blocks have been cut out. These are currently laid out on my flannel board, which allows me to easily move them around and ensures that they stay together as I sew them. | |
In most cases, it is simpler to sew squares together rather than other shapes. Therefore, whenever it is practical for me to do so, I look for ways to turn the patches in my blocks into square patches of the same size. In this instance, I will be able to transform all of my patches into squares by stitching together the half-square triangles. | |
When all of the patches have been cut into squares, it is time to begin sewing them together to form the whole quilt. The first thing I do is sew rows of patches together to form columns. I will be chain stitching the patches together, starting with the two columns on the left, and making sure that the threads stay together. For instance, I will first sew all of the patches for the various blocks together using chain stitching, and then I will cut them apart into individual sets. Because there are a total of three patches on this block, they are each separated into a set of three before being cut. | |
After I have completed sewing the first two columns, I move on to sewing the third column. In order to guarantee that I am sewing the appropriate patch onto the appropriate row, I normally pin the patches into place on each row. When I am finished chain stitching these, I cut them apart into sets of three while preserving the chain stitching stitches that are in between the rows. This helps to keep the blocks in their proper order. Before moving on to the next step, it is a good idea to double check your work to ensure that you have successfully stitched the pieces together. | |
After all of the columns have been sewed together, fold over two rows so that they are now facing right sides together. In this particular illustration, I started by folding the top row down onto the middle row, and then I sewed the two rows together. As soon as I have chain stitched all of the rows, I will cut the stitching that is separating each of the blocks. | |
The block will be finished once the last rows have been stitched together as the final step. |
This method can be applied to any patchwork quilt block that contains squares. A more difficult block is depicted in the image that can be found below. In this quilt block, each patch is comprised of multiple pieces.
There are some little 4 patches, patches that include isosceles triangles with triangles that will make them squares, and there are also some patches that are just triangles. In addition to patches comprised of half-square triangles.
You can also sew some of the patches together by using the chain sewing method, which was described in the previous paragraph. In the patches with the half-square triangles, for instance, you would do the following:
- the half-square triangles are chain-stitched together, and then they are cut apart.
- chain sew pairs of half-square triangles (first the top two and then the bottom two), making sure to keep the threads connecting the top two and the bottom two together as you work.
- To finish the patch, simply stitch the top row onto the bottom row after folding it over.
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