A recent survey that I conducted to determine how I can better assist quilters elicited the response “more time to quilt” from a number of respondents. In most cases, a happy face emoji was appended to the side of the comments. To be serious, though, there are ways to organize your daily activities in such a way that you can free up a little bit more time for quilting. Here are the steps:
First things first, make certain that your sewing space is easily accessible to everything you require. It is wonderful that you have a specific location in which you do your quilting. If you quilt on the go, you will need to ensure that your tote contains all of the supplies that you will require in order to complete your project.
Make certain that your threads and other supplies, such as scissors, are within easy reach in the area where you sew. Your sewing machine needs to be set up on a surface that allows you to work in an ergonomically sound manner. When you are cutting the pieces for your quilt, you will need a small table nearby to place your self-healing rotary mat on.
Pressing the seams of quilt blocks is one of my go-to methods for reducing wasted time. When we are in a hurry, one of the steps that we choose to skip is the one in which we press the seams.
However, skipping this step may have an effect on the finished quilt top you create. Avoid making unnecessary trips to your full-size ironing board so you can save some time. Maintain a small ironing board on hand so that you can press seams as needed.
You can make your own ironing board out of an empty cardboard fabric bolt by wrapping it in a white (or other neutral color) terry cloth towel. This will save you the cost of purchasing one of these ironing boards. These are fantastic for pressing quilt block seams, and the majority of fabric stores will give away the cardboard bolts that are empty.
By efficiently organizing your quilt pieces, you can save time and give yourself more time to spend quilting. This is an additional way to save time. To give you an example, you should start by cutting out all of the pieces you will need for your quilt.
You are going to want to keep your blocks together if you are a quilter who works on more than one project at a time or who quilts while traveling. You need to thread some yarn through a needle that has a large eye. Pass the needle through the top layer of the stacked quilt blocks. There is no requirement to tie a knot in the yarn. Simply leave plenty of space around your quilt blocks so that you can slide them off as needed.
If you work on more than one project at a time, you might want to consider assigning each project its own box or bag to store its supplies in.
For instance, your project for making a rag quilt might be stored in one box, while the one for making a Dresden Plate quilt might be stored in another box. Simply take that box out of storage whenever you are ready to begin working on a specific project.
Reusable plastic containers that have lids are an excellent choice for this kind of storage because they can be used multiple times. There is a good chance that insects will be drawn to cardboard boxes or paper bags; however, you do not want to put your quilting project in jeopardy by attracting insects.
The majority of people are required to check their email. Set aside a few minutes during one of your email sessions to browse the internet and look at various quilting-related topics, such as ideas for new quilts, new techniques, a photo gallery, and so on. This is a good idea whether you check your email once a day or multiple times.
You probably have more time than you think to spend two or three minutes online, and doing so will provide you with a quick “quilting fix” to tide you over until you can work on your own projects.
If you have a house full of chores that are just waiting to be done, you should give this simple tip a shot to see if it will help you get them done more quickly. Is the kitchen in need of some cleaning? Set your oven timer for 20 minutes.
When you know a buzzer is going to go off, you’ll be surprised at how quickly you can move and how much you can get done in that time! Do that with all of your responsibilities, and then use the time that’s left over to work on your preferred quilting project.
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