Quilters are famous for taking a piece of fabric that is in perfect condition, cutting it up into small pieces, and then piecing the pieces back together again. The majority of the time, these pieces take the shape of triangles or squares; however, on occasion, quilters will cut strips of fabric and sew them together.
You can design a piece of fabric using a technique called “strip piecing,” which allows you to create a piece of fabric that can be cut up and used to make some really interesting quilts or wall hangings.
To make your own fabric, you can simply piece together narrow strips of fabric using sewing.
When sewing fabric strips together, one of the challenges is maintaining the straightness of the strips once they are sewn together. Even though this seems like it would be a simple task to complete, if you aren’t paying attention, you could end up with a piece of “new” fabric that is curved. If you want to avoid getting curves and/or puckers when sewing together long strips, here are some tips that will help you. Examine the following options, either singly or in combination:
- Adjust the stitch rate on your machine to between 18 and 20 per inch. Because of the smaller stitches, the seams won’t be able to come apart.
- While the seam is being sewn, avoid pulling or tugging on the fabric. Allowing the machine to do the work of pulling it through will significantly reduce or eliminate the possibility of the fabric stretching.
- Stitch the strips from top to bottom in alternating fashion. Start stitching the first pair from the top down, then move on to the next pair and start from the bottom up.
- You might want to try out walking foot.
- You can either cut the strip in half so that you are sewing strips that are 20 inches long instead of strips that are 40 inches long, or you can start with fat quarters and sew shorter strips together (which are 20-22 inches wide).
- Instead of sewing across the width of the fabric, you should sew parallel to the selvedge along the length of the fabric (cross grain). When compared to the lengthwise grain of the fabric, the cross grain typically possesses a greater degree of stretch.
- To begin, sew together two strips of fabric in pairs. After you have completed sewing together all of the individual pairs, you can then proceed to sewing together pairs of pairs (2 sets of pairs, resulting in one piece, 4 strips wide). Following that, stitch together the sets of four in pairs. Carry on in this manner until you have a piece of “new” fabric that is as large as you would like it to be.
- Try stitching the strips without first pinning them together.
When I am sewing together several strips to create a “new” fabric, I first sew together two pieces of fabric, and then I sew the pairs together. I continue to sew the new units together until I have a piece of fabric that is the size that I want it to be.
In addition, I sew from the top down to the bottom and then back up to the top in alternating fashion. If your strips are not all the same length, it might be a little difficult to complete this step. You should have no trouble trimming them to the same length.
When you have “new” fabric, you can cut it into strips and sew those strips together to create a look that is even more distinctive than the original appearance of your fabric.
This computer cover was created by strip-piecing together various pieces of fabric, which was followed by cutting the fabric into the desired shape for the cover.
This article was generously provided by http://www.How-to-Quilt.com. Thank you!
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